I think that fish was giving me the stink eye

I am alive and well! Although there was a few close calls, I didn’t have to go Samuel L. Jackson on any snakes in the swamp. Both myself and the snakes survived the tour unharmed.

I did see some snakes and people weren’t lying to me when they said they would be in the trees above us as the boat passed through. But they stayed in the trees and I stayed in the boat and, aside from some mild discomfort on my part from my clenched jaw, all was well.

I saw a baby caiman (kind of like an alligator, or maybe it is an alligator?), some crabs, a handful of snakes and at the peak of the tour, we saw thousands of Scarlet Ibises flying in for the night to their roosting tree. (photos to come)

That tour was in Trinidad and we are now in Tobago. Aside from a slight issue with the “resort” we booked at, we are all settled and have been relaxing on the beach (incidentally, we are relaxing on the beach at an entirely different resort from the one we booked, maybe I’ll tell that story another time).

My sister and I are planning to rent some Jet Skis this afternoon and my mother is planning on fainting from the stress of her daughters speeding around the Caribbean Sea. We have booked her a massage to calm her nerves, but she is still insisting on warning us to be careful every 10 minutes.

Tomorrow we are off to hike to a waterfall and then go on a glass-bottom boat tour of the reef. This tour also features some time to snorkel and I plan on facing my fear of the fish!

I tried some minor snorkeling off the beach of the resort today. I got up close and personal with some fish who seemed very friendly. We had a quick chat and they promised to book it to the other side of the island and tell their friends and family to be nice to me tomorrow. I hope they come through for me, but I don’t have my hopes up. One of them looked a little slippery and I think he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

3 Responses to “I think that fish was giving me the stink eye”

  1. 1 walkingonsunshine18 January 26, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    I’m soooo jealous – Have a fabulous time!!!

  2. 2 ria January 26, 2010 at 11:33 am

    sounds like a wonderfully warm and exciting trip! yes pictures soon!

  3. 3 Erin January 26, 2010 at 12:46 am

    Photos had better come! I pretty much hate you by the way. Er, I mean, enjoy the rest of your beautiful week off in the sun… it rained here today and they’re forecasting a blizzard soon.

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Hi There!

I'm Claire. I like to write about ridiculous things.

I love chocolate but don't think cheese and cake belong together.

I often wish it was socially acceptable to wear glitter before 10pm.

If you want to chat, email me at clairesuzanne1 at gmail dot com.

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